Sunday, September 6, 2009

How to Repair Dry Cracked Heels!!!

It's Labor Day Weekend and sadly that means the "official" end of summer. Although I always welcome a three day weekend, it is always with less enthusiasm that I make plans for this holiday weekend that also kicks off our fall season. Don't get me wrong, I do love fall. Especially after growing up in So. Cal, I love the beautiful colors, the crisp cool breezes we begin to enjoy and the cool evenings accompined by chripping crickets. It just that as a "summer girl" at heart, I know that fall always seems too pass to quickly and then we are hit w/cold and snow and a day by the pool seems decades away!!!

I apologize....this post was not meant for me to rambal on and on, but to share with you my favorite solution to repairing my tough and beat up heels after a hot summer spent by the pool!!!

Since we still have several sandal wearing weeks ahead of us (fingers crossed), it's not too late to fix up our feet. I don't know if it's just me, but lately after indulging in a pampering pedicure I find my heels are still a little rough. Lately most pedicures only include a pumice stone exfoliation and no more razor blades. Thats okay friends....I will give you the recipe to fix your heels at home!!!

First: Purchase a pumice stone/bar and place it in your shower. Toward the end of your shower each day, rub the pumice stone/bar over your heeels or any rough spots on your feet. I usually wait until the end of my shower because by then my feet have softened. I use just a traditional pumice stone, but have heard that a lot of people like the pumi bar, it comes in a large range of colors and I have seen it at Sally's Beauty for about $2.

Second: Purchase the magic cream....Kerasal.

You can purchase this at most drug stores. I find mine at Walmart, it is usually on an aisle kinda by the pharmacy w/the Dr. Scholl's products. Typically the cost is about $5-8 a tube and will last for several months.

After you have showered, pumiced your feet and completely dried them. Apply the Kerasal Cream to area needed to soften and repair.

You will notice a huge improvement in your feet in as little as a week. Once your feet have been repaired, continue to apply as needed, at least a few times a week to maintain results. No more snagging your heels on the sheets when you go to bed!!!!

If you have any great ideas to keeping your feet looking and feeling healthy and beautiful, feel free to share!!!

Happy Labor Day!!!